Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Back again


I'm back again.

I have the very real and very sincere intention to post at least two messages a week from now on. Oh well, at least one now, shouldn't be too optimistic and dissapoint my audience of 1.

I know it might be cheating, but i'm gonna see if i can post my travel stories here, dating back to 2002-2003 and 2004. On both occasions i travelled for a bit more than 5 months, mainly in south-east asia and south america. Mark the presence of the word 'south' in both destinations. If i wanted rain i would have stayed at home. Though it's amazing how much rain you can get in the Andes, in the dry season, when an irish girl and a belgian guy go for a walk. Even an australian representative could not balance the scale back to the sunny side of life.

Today i'm in germany, in the town elected 'Sexiest-named-City' of Europe: Darmstadt. Acné-sur-mer was a close second. This is probably lost on all of you who don't speak dutch and french though. Sorry.

Anyway, attending a conference here at the Fraunhofer Institute. Was quite interesting actually, but i guess i've sat in one chair long enough for today, and it's time they wrapped things up here.

That's all for now,

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